Rack and Pinion Actuator

Rack and Pinion Actuator

Rack and Pinion Actuator

An electric rack and pinion actuator is a mechanism used for converting rotary motion into linear motion. It typically consists of a rack (a straight bar with teeth along its length) and a pinion gear (a small gear that meshes with the teeth of the rack). When the pinion gear rotates, it moves the rack linearly along its axis.

The electric aspect refers to the use of an electric motor to drive the pinion gear. By controlling the rotation of the motor, you can precisely control the linear movement of the rack.


  • Standard stroke upto 5700 mm. Extended stroke can be achieved by connecting rack gear, guideway and aluminium extrusion
  • Direct mount onto rack gear without pulley and belt. Reducing power lost.
  • Smooth and precise movement due to rack and pinion mechanism. Ensured repeatability of +/- 0.08 mm.
  • High speed and acceleration up to 2010 mm/s.
  • Maximum payload up to 185 Kg.
  • ENK series for more flexible designed for lower height applications.


Industrial automation, Robotics, Automotive steering systems, Cobots, Wafer handling robot, Scara robot


Industrial robot industry, TFT display manufacturing, Semi-conductor manufacturing, LED manufacturing, Material handling industry

ETK-15 series

ETK-15 series specification

Outer Layer is Treated with Black Oxide
Color Range
Black Main Body
Original Color Stainless Steel Plate
Support Rod
Selectable Cable Leading Direction
Code Instructions
MW Upper Side
MM Bottom Side
ML Left Side
MR Right Side
Gearbox Provided by Customer
GC The size of the customer supplied gearbox must be same as standard fixed size
Performance Repeatability mm (+/-0.08)
Reduction Ratio - 03:01 04:01
Maximum Rotating Speed mm 3600 3600
Lead rpm 25.15 18.86
Maximum Linear Speed mm/s 1509 1132
Maximum Payload Horizontal kg 39 53
Vertical kg 12 16
Rated Thurst N 276 368
Stroke (increments) mm 300-5700mm/50 intervals(50mm increments)
Maximum Acceleration G 0.51 0.38
Gears Modulus M 1
Gear Teath T 32
Pitch Circle Diameter mm 32
Parts AC Actuator with Motor Output W 400
Home Sensor Outside T62N2(NPN+2M Cable)

ETK-22 series

ETK-22 series specification

Outer Layer is treated with black oxide
Color Range
Black Main Body
Original Color Stainless Steel Plate
Support Rod
Selectable Cable Leading Direction
Code Instructions
MW Upper Side
MM Bottom Side
ML Left Side
MR Right Side
Gearbox Provided by Customer
GC The size of the customer supplied gearbox must be same as standard fixed size
Performance Repeatability mm (+/-0.08)
Reduction Ratio - 05:01 06:01 08:01
Maximum Rotating Speed mm 3600 3600 3600
Lead rpm 24.5 20.42 15.31
Maximum Linear Speed mm/s 1470 1225 918
Maximum Payload Horizontal kg 54 67 90
Vertical kg 17 21 29
Rated Thurst N 523 627 836
Stroke (increments) mm 300-4250mm/50 intervals(50mm increments)
Maximum Acceleration G 0.49 0.41 0.31
Gears Modulus M 1.5
Gear Teath T 26
Pitch Circle Diameter mm 19
Parts AC Actuator with Motor Output W 750
Home Sensor Outside T62N2(NPN+2M Cable)

ETK-30 series

ETK-30 series specification

Outer Layer is treated with black oxide
Color Range
Black Main Body
Original Color Stainless Steel Plate
Support Rod
Selectable Cable Leading Direction
Code Instructions
MW Upper Side
MM Bottom Side
ML Left Side
MR Right Side
Gearbox Provided by Customer
GC The size of the customer supplied gearbox must be same as standard fixed size
Performance Repeatability mm (+/-0.08)
Reduction Ratio - 05:01 06:01 08:01 10.01
Maximum Rotating Speed mm 2400 2400 2400 2400
Lead rpm 28.9 24.8 18.06 14.45
Maximum Linear Speed mm/s 1156 963.2 722.4 576
Maximum Payload Horizontal kg 95 114 150 185
Vertical kg 30 35 48 60
Rated Thurst N 887 1064 1419 1773
Stroke (increments) mm 300-5450mm/50 intervals(50mm increments)
Maximum Acceleration G 0.39 0.32 0.24 0.19
Gears Modulus M 2
Gear Teath T 23
Pitch Circle Diameter mm 46
Parts AC Actuator with Motor Output W 1000
Home Sensor Outside T62N2(NPN+2M Cable)

ENK-15 series

ENK-15 series specification

Outer Layer is treated with black oxide
Color Range
Black Main Body
Original Color Stainless Steel Plate
Support Rod
Selectable Cable Leading Direction
Code Instructions
MW Upper Side
MM Bottom Side
ML Left Side
MR Right Side
Gearbox Provided by Customer
GC The size of the customer supplied gearbox must be same as standard fixed size
Performance Repeatability mm (+/-0.08)
Reduction Ratio - 03:01 04:01
Maximum Rotating Speed mm 3600 3600
Lead rpm 35.51 25.13
Maximum Linear Speed mm/s 2010 1507
Maximum Payload Horizontal kg 35 50
Vertical kg 7 9
Rated Thurst N 207 276
Stroke (increments) mm 300-5700mm/50 intervals(50mm increments)
Maximum Acceleration G 0.72 0.51
Gears Modulus M 1
Gear Teath T 32
Pitch Circle Diameter mm 32
Parts AC Actuator with Motor Output W 400
Home Sensor Outside T62N2(NPN+2M Cable)

ENK-22 series

ENK-22 series specification

Outer Layer is treated with black oxide
Color Range
Black Main Body
Original Color Stainless Steel Plate
Support Rod
Selectable Cable Leading Direction
Code Instructions
MW Upper Side
MM Bottom Side
ML Left Side
MR Right Side
Gearbox Provided by Customer
GC The size of the customer supplied gearbox must be same as standard fixed size
Performance Repeatability mm (+/-0.08)
Reduction Ratio - 05:01 06:01 08:01
Maximum Rotating Speed mm 3600 3600 3600
Lead rpm 24.5 20.42 15.31
Maximum Linear Speed mm/s 1470 1225 918
Maximum Payload Horizontal kg 54 67 90
Vertical kg 17 21 29
Rated Thurst N 523 627 836
Stroke (increments) mm 300-4250mm/50 intervals(50mm increments)
Maximum Acceleration G 0.49 0.41 0.31
Gears Modulus M 1.5
Gear Teath T 26
Pitch Circle Diameter mm 39
Parts AC Actuator with Motor Output W 750
Home Sensor Outside T62N2(NPN+2M Cable)

ENK-30 series

ENK-30 series specification

Outer Layer is treated with black oxide
Color Range
Black Main Body
Original Color Stainless Steel Plate
Support Rod
Selectable Cable Leading Direction
Code Instructions
MW Upper Side
MM Bottom Side
ML Left Side
MR Right Side
Gearbox Provided by Customer
GC The size of the customer supplied gearbox must be same as standard fixed size
Performance Repeatability mm (+/-0.08)
Reduction Ratio - 05:01 06:01 08:01 10.01
Maximum Rotating Speed mm 2400 2400 2400 2400
Lead rpm 28.9 24.8 18.06 14.45
Maximum Linear Speed mm/s 1156 963.2 722.4 576
Maximum Payload Horizontal kg 95 114 150 185
Vertical kg 30 35 48 60
Rated Thurst N 887 1064 1419 1773
Stroke (increments) mm 300-5450mm/50 intervals(50mm increments)
Maximum Acceleration G 0.39 0.32 0.24 0.19
Gears Modulus M 2
Gear Teath T 23
Pitch Circle Diameter mm 46
Parts AC Actuator with Motor Output W 1000
Home Sensor Outside T62N2(NPN+2M Cable)